The Law of Attraction : Creating Your Ideal Life

What Is The Law Of Attraction?

We’ve all heard of the different laws that govern how life on Earth works. Take the Law of Gravity for example - what goes up, must come down. Or the Third Law of Motion - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Well similarly, The Law of Attraction is one of these ‘Universal Laws’. The Law of Attraction is guided by the premise that “like attracts like”. This means that all humans have the ability to attract into their lives whatever it is they focus on. Whatever you give your emotional energy and attention to is what will come back to you. Basically, the Law of Attraction uses the power of the mind to take whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. This is why if you have negative thoughts then things in your life tend to go in a negative way. Whereas is you think positively, life tends to be more positive. Your outside world is just a reflection of the thoughts that are going on inside your mind. Whether consciously or not, you create every single thing you experience in your life. You are in control of every situation that happens to you - the good and the bad. All thoughts eventually become reality.

What you think, you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create.

- Buddha

You become what you think about most. But, you also attract what you think about most. This is why the Universe is such a beautiful, magical place! The Law of Attraction dictates that whatever you think about, whatever you imagine, you can do, you can be, you can have. Anything you want is achievable. Anything you want, according to the Law of Attraction, is already yours.

The Law of Attraction - location freedom

How The Law Of Attraction Works

So, as you’ve now learned, your thoughts become your reality. If you use your time and energy to think positive, happy, healing thoughts then you will bring positive, happy and healing things into your life. Conversely, negative and unhealthy thoughts bring about negative and unhealthy experiences. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, the Universe sees only what you are thinking about, it can not differentiate as to whether your thought is something you desire or not. This is why if you focus your thoughts on not wanting something to happen, it usually ends up happening anyways. Even if you only thought about that thing for a short moment or during a time of frustration. The Universe reacts to your thoughts, not your desires, so by thinking about something you are actually calling that experience or circumstance into existence. Whether you wanted to attract this thing into your life or not is essentially irrelevant. If you focus your mind’s energy on it, the Universe will attracted it. The Universe is always working to give you what you are thinking about.

When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

- Paulo Coelho

Since the Law of Attraction is a universal principle, it is at play whether you believe in it or not. Just like the Law of Gravity - it is influencing and impacting you whether you see it or not. Similarly, the Law of Attraction continues to work whether you are conscious of it or not. Have you ever been thinking about someone and then all of a sudden you get a text from them? What about when you’re thinking about something and then someone mentions that exact same thing. This is the Law of Attraction unconsciously at work. But when you learn to harness the power of the Law of Attraction and consciously apply it to your life, that is where the real magic happens!

Now as you already know, your thoughts are what cause your feelings. When you think about something your body responds by having a certain emotion towards it. If you think positive thoughts, you will feel positive emotions (happiness, love, gratitude) and so you will vibrate at a higher frequency which results in positive experiences. But, if your mind is consumed with negative thoughts, you will have negative emotions (anger, guilt, fear, resentment), resulting in a lower vibration which leads to negative outcomes.

In order to successfully apply the Law of Attraction to your life and to truly benefit from it’s magic, you need to first work on manipulating your negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones. You need to raise your vibration. If you don’t first work on understanding and eliminating your negative thoughts and emotions, then when you start trying to use the Law of Attraction to bring about your desires, you may unintentionally attract the opposite of what you want because your mind is still consumed with those negative thought patterns. Those low vibrations can only attract things that are also vibrating at that low frequency. You may not mean to do this, but if you succumb to your limiting beliefs and don’t fully believe that you are deserving of your desires than you’re actually directing your energy towards what you don’t want, rather than what you do.

The Law of Attraction - time freedom

How To Use The Law Of Attraction

Now that you’ve worked on gaining more control over your thoughts and feelings you can start to put the Law of Attraction to use through manifestation. Remember, whatever you desire, no matter how unrealistic it may seem, can be manifested into your reality. Do you want abundant wealth, a loving relationship, a dream vacation, good health, a new home? All of this is possible for you to achieve through the Law of Attraction. Every moment of your life, you are creating your own reality. With every conscious thought, you are creating your present and your future. Whatever is happening in your life today is a direct result of your past thoughts, choices and decisions. So knowing that, you can now work to create your ideal future. Once you’ve gotten clear on what it is you want and have raised your vibration to match the frequency of your desire, then with a little persistence you are ready to put the Law of Attraction into action.

Here is what you need to do in order to turn all of your desires into your reality:

  1. Visualize

    Visualizing what your life looks like once you have your desire is super important to attract that desire into your life. You have to act like what you desire is already yours, you have to feel like that desire is already yours. Don’t just wish for your desire, don’t just hope that one day it’ll show up, but actually feel like what you desire is already a part of your reality. You must continue to think and feel this way all the time until your desire really does materialize. Take some time every day to just close your eyes and visualize what your life is like now that you have your desire. The more detailed your visualization, the better.

    Let’s say you desire a new home on the lake. Don’t just wish you had a new home. Take a few moments each day to visualize already living in your new home. Feel as if that new home is already yours. Visualize yourself pulling into the driveway of your new home for the first time, unlocking and opening the door - What does it look like? What does it smell like? How does it make you feel? Take a walk through your home, admire each room and how you’ve decorated it to match your style perfectly, feel the breeze off the lake through the open windows, envision yourself sitting on your dock watching the beautiful sunset. Really feel like you already live in this home.

    Or say there’s that specific person that you’re super attracted to and really want to be with. Relax, close your eyes, and embody what it feels like to be with them - speaking to them, dating them, even being intimate with them. Truly commit to feeling like you already have this person in your life. Remember, what you feel, you attract.

    A good way to help yourself visualize and stay in that mindset of the wish-fulfilled is to create a vision board and keep it some place where you can see it every day. The act of creating the vision board itself is a great opportunity to visualize your desires without even having to try. Just by finding, cutting and printing pictures and quotes or mantras you are immersing yourself in your desires and allowing yourself to feel what it’s like to have these things in your life. By having visuals of your desires around your home you’ll be able to stay focused on achieving and attracting your goals and desires. It’s natural for your mind to wander throughout the day, so by having this physical cue, it’ll help bring your energy back to those positive thoughts and feelings every time you see your vision board. Put the board somewhere where you’ll be sure to see it every day. The more you see it, the better!

  2. Voice Your Desires

    It is important when manifesting that you speak your desires into existence. Tell your friends and family about what it is you want and talk about your wants as if they are already coming to you or are already a part of your experience.

    To help begin the process of creating, be sure to use the phrase “I am …” This is a super powerful statement as it not only reinforces for yourself who you are and what you are capable of, but it also tells the Universe that you’re serious about your desires.

    When you use “I am…” statements, make sure that what follows is what you want in the present. For example:

    • “I am loved and cherished by everyone in my life.”

    • “I am healthy, strong and full of energy.”

    • “I am financially abundant and can easily provide for my friends and family.”

    • “I am a hard worker and deserving of a promotion.”

    The Universe sees what you are thinking about, not what it is you want, so by using “I am …” statements you are telling the Universe that these are your thoughts, these are your beliefs. Even if you have doubts to begin with, the more you say these affirmations, the more real they start to feel. And once you feel these statements in your core, once you truly start to embody your affirmations, the Universe has no choice but to provide for you that which you desire.

  3. Practice Gratitude

    We all know by now the powers of expressing gratitude. When we stop focusing on what we lack and are instead grateful for the things we have in our life, we are rewarded with more things to be grateful for. This works especially well when trying to manifest everything you want in your life. It is important to show thanks and appreciation for everything you currently have, BUT, when it comes to the Law of Attraction, you also must show gratitude for the things that you will have in the future. By expressing your gratitude for these things before you have them, the Universe knows that these are of significant value to you and knows that you will appreciate these things and not just take them for granted.

    The best way to make sure you follow a consistent gratitude practice is to have a gratitude journal. Each day, take five to ten minutes to physically write down what it is you are grateful for. Write at least 5 things that exist in your life now that you appreciate. Then, write at least 5 things that you are grateful for that you do not yet have but are working on manifesting. For example: Say you are trying to manifest a new car, you could write in your journal “Today I am grateful for my beautiful new car which provides me and my family the opportunity to travel safely.” Or, say you are wanting to meet the man of your dreams, you could write “I am grateful for a loving, supportive and genuine partner who appreciates me for who I am.”

    Continue this practice for a few months, consistently expressing your thanks and gratitude to the Universe, and you will be rewarded.

  4. Start Taking Action

    Now, just because you want something really bad and you think and talk about it all the time doesn’t mean that it will just magically appear. You are responsible for taking action towards bringing about your desires. You have to prove to the Universe that you are serious, that you really want whatever it is. The Universe has to see you trying to make your goals a reality before it will provide for you. You need to show the Universe that you are willing to support your desire with action, not just sit back and wait for it to be handed to you.

    Say you want a career that allows you to work online from anywhere in the world. You must start taking action yourself that tells the Universe that this is what you really want. Start actively looking for opportunities that allow for remote work, talk to people you know or people you follow on social media who already work online, research the salary you would make if you had a particular job, tell people what you are doing, if you’re currently working, see if your boss will allow you the opportunity to work remotely for a few days - take this time to experience what it would truly feel like to be doing this full time, sit outside while you work instead of cramped up in your home office, go camping and bring your work with you so can truly embody what it’s like to have the freedom to work from anywhere. By doing this you are telling the Universe that this is what you truly want, that you are ready for this lifestyle. When the Universe sees you taking action towards your goals, it will deliver exactly what it is you are after.

  5. Ask The Universe For What You Want And Then Surrender

    Most importantly, you must ask the Universe for what it is you want. You have to put your desires out there and let the Universe know you are open and ready to receive them. Be sure and confident about what it is you want! Don’t doubt or question yourself. If you’re unclear in your wants, the Universe will receive an unclear message and will send you unwanted results. You don’t want that.

    Make a request of the Universe. Tell it what it is you want and ask it to provide for you. Send a mental image out into the world of your desire and experience how it feels to already have it. See your desire as already being yours. Then let it go. Surrender. Put your trust in the Universe, and the Universe will answer.

I hope you found this guide inspiring and now have a better understanding of what the Law of Attraction is and how to use it within your own life. When you get clear on what it is you want and stand behind that decision with confidence, the Universe will always provide. Shift your mindset to one of abundance, call in what you want, align your actions with your desires and believe! Have trust in the Universe and know that you deserve everything that you desire. You have the power you need to turn your visions into reality, you have the power to create your ideal life. Take charge!


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